
Undated daily planner
Undated daily planner

“It also has a breakdown of the week by half-hour increments. “I use a Passion Planner using pencil and paper makes events more real and helps me remember things,” said one ADDitude reader.


Best of all, they offer the entire calendar, complete with extras, for free via pdf.

undated daily planner undated daily planner

Regardless of format, all Passion Planners include challenges, quotes, personal and work to-do lists, and blank pages. The Passion Planner comes in Yearly, Academic, and Undated flavors, so you can choose the format that’s right for you handy for those of us who demand choice. NOTE: Please note that all names, models, prices, links, and specifications were accurate and items were in stock at the time of this article's last update on January 27, 2022. But with so many planners out there, which one should you choose - especially if you’re confronted with analysis paralysis? Here are our readers’ top picks - the planners they have road tested and recommend to the rest of us. Something inside the ADHD brain lights up when we put pen to paper - that much we can (mostly) agree on. And no single app on the market can replace that gratifying feeling of writing down a task or appointment, assigning it a deadline, and then physically crossing it off. When we asked this question in a survey completed by 1,342 ADDitude readers last month, the answer came back loud and clear: We like paper planners. What products or apps do you use to manage your time?”

undated daily planner

“Many ADDitude readers like Time Timers and old-fashioned Moleskin calendars.

Undated daily planner